Racism. Uncontrolled, mass racism.

As I type, it’s been six hours since the official UKIP facebook page posted this picture.


It refers to recent comments made by Chuka Umunna, mostly about online skills in Britain as a whole, with one throwaway comment at the end about how some of the people who feel alienated in a technologically advanced world may have voted for UKIP.  Within the last few hours, the post has caused a facebook storm.  Most posts by the official UKIP page get a few hundred comments, this one got over 2,000.  A lot of them were angry, as you might imagine.  Alarmingly though, a considerable proportion of these comments had echoes of racism (along the lines of ‘He is not British’/’He should go back to where he came from’/’Chuka Umunna what a British-sounding name’).

But the worse comments were truly heinous and referred to the colour of Chuka Umunna’s skin.  They would not have looked out of place on a white supremacist website.  There were comments comparing Umunna to an ape.  There were comments explicitly stating that Africans were uncivilised.  There were comments calling for ‘white power’ and urging Britain to be a ‘white country again’.  These screenshots speak for themselves.



This SLATUKIP member for one does not buy the ‘this is a very small minority’ excuse.  Firstly, there are several comments in the screenshot above and I have omitted the countless calls for Umunna to ‘go home back to his own country’ or the claims that he is ‘not British’.  Secondly, if a political party spends a vastly disproportional time talking about immigration, like UKIP have done, there are no excuses and no hiding places when they attract a disproportionate amount of racist support.  What is staggering is how a negative post, that provides a motive to hate, attracts tenfold the attention of UKIP supporters that a post praising Nigel Farage would do, for example.  It seems UKIP supporters are more united by what they are against than what they are for.

Is this the type of politics we want in this country – the politics of hate?


Update: having trawled through around half the comments made under the UKIP post in question, here are all the offending comments found so far.

82 thoughts on “Racism. Uncontrolled, mass racism.

      1. Well unfortunately anyone can post anything anywhere. I could post a message on here saying that all UKIP members have two heads, but does that reflect SLATUKIP members views?


      2. Replying here as I have no option to reply to Jane – you miss the point. Of the DOZENS of posters there – many more than JUST YOU, JANE – who are ALL saying ignorant, racist, bullying, mind-bogglingly stupid and poorly spelt things, NOT ONE member of the group has offered a reasonable, measured counter-argument, and no moderators have leapt in to suggest that ANY comments were out of line in the best part of a day’s postings, judging from the time span (three hours/ten hours ago, etc).

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Disgraceful, you only have to read the Daily Express comments any day of the week to see how racist a lot of UKIP supporters are.


    1. Well if you believe everything the biased media say then you are a fool, you would probably find racists in every party if you looked closely enough and misogynists, and gay bashers but it seems that the mass media only want to find something to smear ukip with. The Express called Nigel Farage a racist and completely missed the point that he has a German wife.


  2. It seems that while political advocates seem to be trying as hard as possible to advocate against racism and discrimination this kind of material still pops up…


    1. Yes, as does ageism and elitist comments by New Labour. Twitter is full of Labour supporters pointing out how old UKIP supporters are and implying they are not “one of us”. That’s like me pointing out how black Africans are. Irrelevant.


      1. They also accuse UKIP of being all middle class whit eEnglish men which is as far from the truth as you can get.


  3. And what is wrong with people expressing HATE? If you do not allow people to express such feelings and resentments in a harmless way then you will inevitably see them express such emotions in a more tangible manner!

    And that is the value of freedom of speech,it allows people to get things of their chests,HARMLESSLY! It is beyond ironic that so many so called LIBERALS want to limit peoples freedom of speech because somebody might not like what somebody says.The “freedom” to say anything provided everyone,or at least all the self chosen guardians of good taste,agree with it is no freedom at all.

    In past times women did not have the vote,trade unions were illegal and Child Labour was legal but at no time was it ILLEGAL for you to voice whatever comment you wanted either for or against these issues.We had REAL FREEDOM OF SPEECH not just the watered down version on offer today which wets itself at the thought of offending people. If this had been the situation in earlier times then nothing would ever have changed because nobody would have been allowed to say anything for fear of offending those who didn’t want to see their opinions challenged or their dominance threatened.

    Take a look at the articles and cartoons for and against these issues,to say they are combative or direct is the understatement of the year.They would qualify for prosecution today but why shouldn’t HATE be expressed in print? I hate what cancer does to people,I hate to see child labour used to boost the profits of British retailing and I hate to see Britain flooded with immigrants simply to smash the pay and conditions of the lowest paid and make the already rich even richer! Freedom of Speech is the mortar that binds our other freedoms together and prevents them being washed away,limit this freedom and the others aren’t worth a bucket of spit!


      1. Interesting philosophical point. When does criticism become hate speech? If I say that UKIP are the scum of the earth, isn’t that hate?


      2. “This is not freedom of speech Eijnar, this is hate speech. There is a very big difference. ”

        Not really. As the great man said, “Jaw jaw jaw is better than war war war”. If you gag people, as the Left wish to do, they won’t calm down, they’ll get angrier.


      3. I can’t seem to reply to @FrankFisher, but criticism is not gagging. SLATUKIP is essentially pointing out some horrible comments, there is a difference between that and, say, UKIP trying to gag people on twitter for a viral image that criticised them.


      4. Freedom of speech means the right to say what you want, whether that be love or hate. Very simple.

        Either support freedom of speech and be prepared for people to say things with which you may not be comfortable, or support controlled speech and interdictions on expressing certain thoughts and ideas. You have to choose one or the other.

        Don’t pretend to be in favour of freedom of speech when you clearly aren’t. Be honest about your preference for legal limitations on what can be said, then a) you’ll stop having to expend energy pretending to support something you don’t, and b) people will respect your honesty. There’s nothing morally wrong with supporting legal controls on speech and self-expression. It’s not a view I like or agree with, but as I’m in favour of freedom of speech I wouldn’t dream of preventing you advocating it.


      5. The term “Hate Speech”is simply an invention of the strong used to silence the weak.By labelling criticism of what they wish to promote “Hate Speech” they are able to silence all of their opponents.Those who wish to leave the European Union become Xenophobes ,those who disagree with teaching toddlers about Gay Sex become Homophobes,those who oppose mass immigration become Racists!

        I agree that Free Speech must be subject to some limits but only to the extent that you can’t stand up in a crowded theater and shout FIRE!! just for fun,nor accuse somebody of being a Rapist just because you don’t like them.But other than causing DIRECT harm such as in these extreme cases then NO,Speech should not be limited simply because of some arbitrarily imposed view of what is “nice”!

        Once you accept the arbitrary imposition of “acceptable views” freedom is dead,it is that simple.No society with a truly free press and freedom of expression has ever become a Police State,given the choice of hearing nasty words and being free or hearing nothing and being a prisoner give me freedom every time!


      6. I read as far as “The term “Hate Speech”is simply an invention of the strong used to silence the weak” and needed read no more, so I didn’t.

        Utter bollocks. Hate speech hurts/kills/maims/abuses/causes more hate speech. End of. Stop skirting round the issue! No excuses! Hate speech kills!! What’s wrong with Love Speech??????


      7. “Hate speech” is an invention of the ACLU, intended to give them an excuse to avoid supporting free speech for people they didn’t like – it is as simple as that. It’s a concept rejected by all committed free speechers. If you endorse it, you do not support free speech or individual liberty. Simple as.


    1. Second SLATUKIP opinion here: you have a erm, different take on 19th/20th century Britain to historians, scholars and in fact most people. Different, I’ll give you that.


      1. Everyone has the right to free speech. But when free speech becomes hate speech, whole different ball game.

        Why will no UKIP supporters here condemn these comments? Do they see this kind of free speech as acceptable?

        No one is ‘gagging’ anyone. People can and should be able to speak their mind, always, but they must and should take responsibility and think about how their actions affect others who have no choice about the colour of skin they are born with.


      2. Well you know all about hate speech you do enough of it with your hatred and consistent smear campaign regarding UKIP.


      3. You do understand that hate speech has to relate to a person or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation? Hating a party is just healthy political bias.


      4. And you do understand that “hate speech” is just a mechanism the Left invented to allow them to claim they support free speech,while still letting them jail dissenters? This stuff isn’t carved in stone, it’s an ACLU conceit. I reject it – most free speechers do.


    2. Thing is, people claiming that that real freedom of speech happened in the past are just silly. We have a situation in which NO ONE HAS BANNED ANYTHING. We have people arguing, we have people expressing diverse opinions but unlike the UKIP rhetoric no body is banned by any government official. Freedom of speech includes those who criticise your views as well. Einjar I see no issue of freedom of speech at all in the publication.


  4. Regardless of party this us not the kind of Britian I want to see. It strikes me that the majority of UKIP supporters have been hoodwinked into thinking that UKIP has all the answers to the nations problems when in fact it has cynically preyed on peoples fears.

    Like most events in history, the rise of UKIP is nothing new, neither is the methodology used to stir up the populous. After the First World War Germany was on it’s knees, bankrupted by massive debts to the allies. Hitler used this crisis to stir up a fear of foreign powers, immigration and Judism.

    As a country we’ve just been through the worst financial crisis in living memory. We all fear for our jobs, homes and families, not dissimilar to the state of Germany post war. UKIP have used this crisis to highlight race, sex and religion, and of course the threat of outside political influences in the shape of the EU. They have overstated immigration figures, have suggested that immigrant are taking our jobs and stirred up a fear of Islam.

    They say they are not right wing extremists and yet they continue to preach the language of hate and injustice. We should fear them, not for what they are, but for who they could become. I’m sure that the good people of Germany, in hindsight, would not have supported Hitler if they had realised how evil he truly was. Please don’t let us fall into the same trap.


    1. Well no one has been hoodwinked by UKIP like Labour did when it signed the constitution claiming that because they had changed the name it was somehow different, no one has bee hoodwinked by UKIP in that they will allow the british people a referendum like the tories are trying, no one has been hoodwinked about 3 million jobs depending on being in the eussr like the lib dems are trying to claim so who is the real group of hoodwinked people, the UKIP supporters who have taken the time to learn about the real aims and role of the eussr or the sheeple who believe everything the old parties say? UKIP has never preached hatred or injustice, that is not a part of the aim of UKIP which is to take back control of our nation. I’m sure that the good people of Britain would not have supported the old parties continual handing over of governance to an unelected committee of failed politicians had they realised what is really happening.


    2. At no point did Labour announce its intention to implement an open-borders immigration policy. If it had included this plan as one of the key policies in its election manifestos of 1997 and 2001 (as it should have done), do you think it would have won? Maybe UKIP is playing on fears about immigration; the Labour party meanwhile used immigration as a demographic and political weapon against its enemies (broadly speaking, the Conservative party and the English people). Which is worse? At least UKIP is attempting to respond to the wishes of the people, rather than replace them.


  5. It’s disgusting that these people are in/associated the party. Sometimes people like me feel ashamed to be a UKIP member, but then on the other hand, it only fuels a passion to help change the party for the better. We represent real worries and issues, but an aspect of our membership is absolutely abhorrent.

    Please don’t make the uneducated assumption that all ‘kippers are like this, or that the party wishes to stand up for these people. Many are not UKIP members but supporters, and the party can’t do anything about that.


      1. Nevertheless, UKIP member, supporter or troll, it’s disgusting and vile. And we should do all we can to warn these people and remove their ability to post on the main UKIP facebook page.


  6. You are stretching things to say that these facebook posts mean UKIP are racist. Anyone can post a message on there and I suspect a lot of them are false flags anyway. You’d be better off analysing Chuka’s words and the implied ageism and elitism he expounds.


  7. fascinating you think because a load of probably labour/tory supportes have posted something on a page it will adversly affect UKIP. you really are at the bottom of the barrel looking for ways out aren’t you.


  8. These are not UKIP members. Your pathetic set-up yet again shows how scared you are of the British will to self-govern. As the original post implied UKIP supporters illiterate, you deserve the replies you got. The genuine UKIP supporter is not ‘racist’ as most of our concerns are about open door immigration, not immigration itself. Please do not lower yourselves again by setting up an inflammatory post and allowing your own supporters to pose as UKIP supporters, it shows a base level of intelligence. Until Labour remove Diane Abbot (funny how you keep quiet about her) and other closet Labour racists and until you weed out the pedophile ring that is at the very core of your party, I suggest you find better ways to occupy your time. How any British party can want to be ruled by a dictatorship from abroad beggars belief, but you Blairites still carry on regardless. How any British party openly supports pedophiles and allows their members to govern is just plain disgusting. Let he who is without sin etc. Shame on your pathetic attempt.


    1. True enough. The fakeness of many of the supposed UKIP posts is obvious. There are very few people who are prepared to put their real names to comments like that on Facebook posts. People may be stupid but they mostly know better than to run risks like that.

      Good point about Harman. The Labour Party’s deputy leader worked with and arguably gave support/safe haven to an openly pro-paedophile group, and won’t apologise for it. Margaret Hodge is even deeper in the mire of child molestation and official cover-up, and yet is allowed to strut the stage at Westminster as a revered (in her mind at least) elder stateswoman. Supposedly socialist politicans stole hundreds of thousands of pounds from taxpayers less well off than themselves to feather their own nests, and seem to be thoroughly unrepentant about. As I type, Iraq is descending into a new circle of hell, having spent the previous decade going through unimaginable torment, as a direct result of the behaviour of the Labour Party and the angel of death that led it. The Labour Party nurtured Blair, rode him to power and was ultimately the enabler of all his evil works.

      I have no love for UKIP and find it a distinctly unimpressive bunch of people, but I am getting rather tired of the Labour Party’s constant, sanctimonious attacks on it. How dare it breathe a word of criticism of any other political party? Its dreadful record speaks eloquently for itself. To coin a phrase, Labour: offended by everything, ashamed of nothing.


  9. What *some* UKIP supporters might say, and what UKIP policies are, are very different things. Given that Lefty liars and the MSM have been proclaiming that UKIP is a racist party for months, is it any wonder that some racists are voting for us? We didn’t reach out for these people – you pushed them towards us.

    I would have though that the electoral maths revealed in May shows the hate campaign has been totally counter-productive; I can’t imagine why you’re continuing.


    1. Ukip policies? Would be interested to see them, they don’t have any. Takes a special kind of stupid to vote for a party with no policies wouldn’t you say. Oh and the EU/Local manifesto, a few bag of a fag packet bullet points do not policy make.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry Boomshanka, so policies are not policies? You’ll have to explain that one to me. If we have two manifestos, how can we be said to have no policies?

        Is there something wrong with you people?


      2. Perhaps you’d like to tell us about these policies Frank? The ones they dismissed as drivel? Or new ones? Which ones?


      3. Again, still lying about UKIP. You’re no doubt suggesting that our 2010 manifesto was dismissed as drivel? Whoops, nope – another BBC myth. Just because everyone believes it doesn’t make it true. Nigel knocked back some 2010 policy documents, not the 17 page manifesto.


      4. Who was lying? Us? or the newspapers? So, are you or UKIP going to sue the BBC Frank?


      5. Sue for what? It’s not a crime to lie. You may even believe it to be true – do you?


      6. You can prove it to yourself – go find the original video interview with Farage that sparked all that crap.


    2. 17 page manifesto, what 2 pages of bullet points (in large type or the thick) that you claim are policies. One was, We think council tax bills should be as low as possible. That is not a policy, it is a statement, policies go on to explain how they will bring this about, you know with detail. I do believe there was a page of intro by Nigel, you know like he did for the 2010 drivel manifesto, a poster, application forms, and statements from candidates pretending to be ordinary members of the public, Oh yes, counting the covers as well. If you think that is a valid manifesto, well, I suppose you are a special kind of stupid.


      1. The 17 page manifesto is the 2010 document – I assume you haven’t read it.It’s pretty good.

        And I’m sorry you don’t like our bullet points – can you point to better work from LibLabCon?


      2. No, I am not a liblabcon voter, sorry, you must like your buzz words in your small little mind. I was talking about the 2014 ‘manifesto’ which was beyond pathetic. Anyway, look at any other party and their manifestos, you will see details to the policies, explaining how they will be implemented, even the Raving Monster Looney Party have more in depth details. I have read the 2010 manifesto, the drivel one you seem to think has not been disowned (where is it on the website?) and I agree with your leader, it is drivel, and would you not agree, 16 pages is frankly pathetic for a general election manifesto anyway. I mean, Ukip must at least have an internal policy document that covers every aspect of government, like every other party? Or is it a case of Nigel changes policy when he gets asked difficult questions in an interview, like he did with tax? Does ukip just appeal to the dim, racist alcoholics as the party founder described your leader?


  10. Some of these comments are hilarious.

    “fascinating you think because a load of probably labour/tory supportes have posted something on a page it will adversly affect UKIP”

    Labour/Tory supporters? Really???

    “Anyone can post a message on there and I suspect a lot of them are false flags”

    False flags?? What??

    “Given that Lefty liars and the MSM have been proclaiming that UKIP is a racist party for months, is it any wonder that some racists are voting for us? We didn’t reach out for these people – you pushed them towards us”

    so it’s our fault that UKIP attracts racists?



    1. “so it’s our fault that UKIP attracts racists?”

      It’s your fault that people think UKIP is a racist party, yes. Why do you and the MSM and Hope Not Hate and the rest of the fascist Left not highlight racists and nutters in LibLabCon? Why won’t the media talk to UKIP about anything other than immigration?


      1. LOL. Same old story.

        Frank Fisher. Can you just not condemn these comments and stop being an apologist for racism?


      2. I have no idea who these people are – am I my brother’s keeper? To be honest chum you and your pals can keep the hate up if you want; as you have seen it only gives us more support. I would *prefer* our messages to be garnering the votes, rather than what people think are our messages, once they have been through the Lefty distorting mirror, but we cannot control what you lot do or say.


      3. Oh, FrankFisher, your grasp of logic is frightful.

        Let me get this straight.

        This link, directly from UKIP’s facebook page, is the work of SLATUKIP and other “leftards”,

        People responding to an inflammatory post on the UKIP page aren’t members or supporters of UKIP.

        The media won’t speak to UKIP about anything except immigration because UKIP are utterly obsessed with immigration, it dominates their campaigning. Obviously as the party of the people, UKIP have to keep things like how they want to take away workers rights, maternity pay etc away from people.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Richard Waller, you’re just making up thing you think I said. If you want to discuss something, stick to the facts eh?


      5. I’m not going to condemn anyone for what they say, no – it does not mean I agree with them, or even that I think they should be saying it, or that I want their comments associated with UKIP – it means that – unlike the left – I really do support free speech. I’ve been a free speech campaigner for 30 years.


      6. Would UKIP be enjoying its current success, or even exist at all, if not for the Labour Party’s policies on Europe and (especially) immigration? Doubt it.


    2. It’s a shame you are such a bigoted idiot you have to try to make out that others are as bigoted as you yourself. I’m laughing at your inept smear campaign because like the liblabcon parties attempts it just brings in more supporters every time they see a bigot trying to say that UKIP is something that it abhors.


  11. Barry, I said facebook page, Nikki Jayne’s already shown you the link once. Maybe the UKIP facebook page is nothing to do with UKIP, their members or supporters and it’s part of an extensive smear campaign by SLATUKIP. UKIP really don’t need smearing, the members and supporters do it themselves.


  12. UKIP attract racists mainly because prominent members make racists comments. UKIP earn the label of a racist party.
    And like attracts like; whole online communities form and bond over their bigotry,intolerance of difference, and uninformed paranoia about how the media works( especially the BBC).

    As for policies; I looked at their European one to find out whether UKIP,if in power,would offer a referendum on leaving the EU or whether they’d treat their election as a referendum.
    Amazingly,it doesn’t say! So it doesn’t even have a policy over the issue it obsesses about the most, apart from the related theme of migration.


  13. Latest comments on that page:

    Jennifer Kersey What a cheek-just who does he think he is!!??
    Like · Reply · 363 · 23 June at 12:43
    36 Replies · 8 hours ago

    Peter B Holloway He is your usual Labour IDIOT!!
    Like · Reply · 618 · 23 June at 12:43
    34 Replies · 4 hours ago

    Scott Ashton Perry Instead of talking about deporting him people, why not use intelligence to prove him wrong? I’m a teacher and am more IT literate than most of the people who run his party, yet I vote UKIP and am becoming a member. So I know his comment is false. By hi…See More
    Like · Reply · 245 · 23 June at 12:52 · Edited
    30 Replies · 4 hours ago

    Matthew Hopwood I emailed to tell him why I voted UKIP and no longer vote Labour:
    * You signed away our laws and sovereignty to Brussels
    * You begin the destruction of our country with mass uncontrolled immigration, squeezing our services and changing our towns and ci…See More
    Like · Reply · 102 · 23 June at 13:46
    10 Replies

    Joe Victory-Gomez Ipi Chuka by name, PRAT by nature
    Like · Reply · 76 · 23 June at 12:44
    3 Replies

    Kevin Gillies As long as we can tick voting boxes
    Like · Reply · 75 · 23 June at 12:46

    James George Watson How?.
    Like · 6 hours ago

    Robert Webster I find it incredible that this sort of person can make decisions affecting my Country on my behalf. He’s nothing but a bigot and a racist.
    Like · Reply · 64 · 23 June at 12:49
    2 Replies

    Stuart Deering And Chuka lacks basic intelligence, one thing you don’t do is insult the electorate and alienate people even more….
    Like · Reply · 60 · 23 June at 12:48
    7 Replies

    Keith Stevo Stevens Stupid fool, I’m 67 and was using computers while he was still in nappies!
    Like · Reply · 58 · 23 June at 12:50
    4 Replies

    Peter Webb I’m 71 and because of this single minded pratt I’m even more determined to vote for Ukip.
    Like · Reply · 56 · 23 June at 13:01
    3 Replies

    Trevor Horn What an arrogant, sanctimonious git this man is , typical of the modern day professional politician , I shall certainly be voting UKIP again !!!!!!!!!!!
    Like · Reply · 53 · 23 June at 13:36

    Andy Graham Sad to see so many people making comments about deportation, spear chuckers etc on this page, don’t you realise you are enforcing the stereotype thrown at UKIP by those who seek to discredit the party. UKIP Is proud to have many people from different backgrounds as MEP’s, councillors etc. Please don’t let them down !


    I agree with Andy Graham in this last comment.
    I also don’t doubt that a proportion of the xenophobic comments are placed there by people wanting to discredit UKIP.
    As a UKIP Branch V.C. who has worked as an IT professional for the last 15 years, I think Chuka is a bit of a tw@ for saying kippers are computer illiterate.
    My branch’s Polish and Asian members think so too.


  14. Reblogged this on Beastrabban’s Weblog and commented:
    Unfortunately, given the number of UKIP candidates and councillors who have been caught expressing racist views, the only aspect of this that is really surprising is the sheer venom and depth of racial hatred and contempt involved. Despite his claims that UKIP are non-racist and non-sectarian, Farage had a policy of deliberately trying to win BNP voters, albeit marginal supporters, who recoiled from the total, absolute racism of that party. The anti-Fascist ‘Hope Not Hate’ blog has also catalogued numerous instances in which various far-right organisations like Britain First have called on their supporters to vote UKIP. Clearly, this includes people whose racism is in no way slight or marginal, as in the type of BNP voters Farage was claiming he was trying to recruit.

    As for Chuka Umunna’s colour, arguably it shows continuing racism amongst the Labour party selectors as by one set of standards he’s not actually dark enough. The elite Black colleges in the US have what is called ‘the paper bag’ test. Candidates for admission are judged according to their shade, with no-one admitted who was darker than a brown paper bag. Brazil similarly has strong institutional prejudices based on a person’s shade. The country is in many ways one of the most anti-racist nations on Earth. In the 17th and 18th century it was described as ‘a hell for Blacks, a purgatory for Whites, but a paradise for Mulattoes’, and the nation is proud of its tradition of racial mixing. The last British governor of Ghana wrote a book about racism, and noted that it was absent, or much less present in Brazil than in North America. He stated that while he was over there, he saw White workers taking orders from a Black foreman, which he believed would simply not have occurred in the US or possibly Britain at the time. Yet blackness is still associated with shame and degradation, and so there are various euphemisms employed to describe very dark skin colours to avoid saying that they’re actually black. Umunna is a medium brown, and so it could be argued that, according to the standard of the peculiar caste system left over from slavery, he has been chosen because his colour is more acceptable to the White majority than someone, who is much darker. I don’t believe this is the case for a minute, and am mentioning this just to show the absurdity of the racism of the commentators reproduced here.

    Liked by 1 person


    Nah man its racism. Free speech means you can express ideas and opinions without fear of governmental censorship or punishment. Its in the American constitution. So since this isn’t America, we don’t have legally protected free speech in the UK, we’re merely a LIBERAL, permissive society where the expression of ideas (no matter how foul) is both tolerated and encouraged. This also means the criticism of those ideas is also encouraged,

    We do have a law protecting our basic human rights, but eh.. that’s an EU law…so….


    Hahaha, that’s stupid.



    It’s a well organised fake then, since the people making these comments have technically broken the law and would be easily contactable by the police as they’re ON FACEBOOK. Yes, lets see if all of those 2000 comments are fake shall we?

    Think about it. Having one Facebook page is a pain in the arse. Can you imagine having 2000 fake ones you’d need to drop everything for and go and write 2000 messages on (logging in and out 2000 times) every time the UKIP did something you think ‘oooh that’s a good opportunity for some false flags’? That would make you some sort of evil criminal mastermind in which case you’d probably be politically ambivalent, and your time and considerable talent is probably used for personal gain.

    Occum’s razor: The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. i.e. These racist posts were left by racist people on an FB page supporting a party that is perceived to be racist. Instead of saying this is a smear campaign, why doesn’t UKIP take visible, public steps (as Im sure most of its members would like, if it is indeed a non racist party) to contact each person on that thread who made a racist comment AND voiced support for UKIP and asked them for an explanation? Is it just easier and more time saving to say its a smear instead of finding out the truth? If you tried to find out and discovered it was a smear campaign wouldn’t that be worth the time and effort? No? Well, again, that doesn’t speak well to the integrity of your party.


    So you’re saying this IS racism then? And furthermore it’s okay because ‘other people do it and get away with it? Okay. Ronnie Biggs spent over 40 years getting away with the biggest robbery in Britain’s history. You go and rob a bank and when you get caught (possibly because you posted it on facebook),just say ‘well what about Ronnie Biggs m’lud?’. Just you wait and see how much time the judge takes off your sentence.

    High profile people’s lives have been ruined by making public racist comments. Look at Mel Gibson. That guy RULED Hollywood for over 20 years, and now look at him! Pretty much every time it happens, someone loses a job. In fact the only people who DO seem to get away with it are UKIPpers! Do you not see the irony in that? I do and it’s hilarious.


    Yes okay, I know this has been a waste of time. You won’t listen at all. I could show you a picture of Nigel Farage beating up a busload of African sweatshop kids with a stick and you’d still say it was a scam, I know……but hey, at least you proved you can use a computer.


  16. Racism is not acceptable, but to get hung up on the racist overtones, or the issues around immigration are masking the most serious issue, the fact that only negative campaigns from any political stance gain media attention or get people connected to political issues which is leading to a much more polarized society, which is responding with alarming negativity, and increasingly rad ism. I think this is energizing a negative cycle where people’s responses to situations are then becoming more extreme. This is creating further divisions in the communities where we live. The only way this is going to change is for fundemental move away from popular politics and have political parties and pressure groups fighting and representing fundamental principles. Not just creating policies to make themselves popular with the general public. Politics based on principles.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Oh dear. Everyone knows that SLATUKIP is paid to write this rubbish and that they also post racist comments pretending to be UKIP. Yawn.


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