‘Tory Murderous Policies’ – A Facebook Post – #VoteLabour #ToriesOUT

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“I have seen it reported, I have heard it on the News, I have heard pricks like Sugar say it!

Jeremy Corbyn wants to take us back to the 70s, like it is some sort of insult.”

Oh yes, the 70s
Do they mean? When the most common cause of death for the under 49s was not suicide, as reported on BBC and Sky News.
Do they mean? 1970 when VAT was barely invented, 10% in 1973.
Do they mean? When a 3 Bedroom house in South Coast Road, Peacehaven cost £5000 pounds, current value (£400,000). I know this because I bought it.
Do they mean? In the 70s when we had RATES (only home owners paid).

Do they mean? When the idea of fining a homeless person for falling asleep would have been stomach churning, but now is a common occurrence with TORIES and is another TORY murderous policy.

Do they mean? in 1970 when we had telephone directories 192, now 118 which rakes in billions
Do they mean? When we had the speaking clock for FREE.
Do they mean? When we had an NHS we were really proud of.

Do they mean? when we did not get late payment fees plus VAT.

Do they mean? When school teachers did not have to buy children basics, including food.

Do they mean? when tuition fees were something a rich person might pay to have their 2-year-old do, in order to get them a head start, not something every poor family would have to shell out.

Do they mean? When we did not get our cars clamped and crushed because we were a few days late paying the tax disc.

Do they mean? in in the 70s where car clamping was not even invented, (500 percent up according to a mail report) must be true then lmfao.

Do they mean? 1970, when all Utilities were under public ownership yes all through the 70s

Do they mean? In 1970 when I earned £500 pound a week as a machine operator in Parker Pen (I know this because I worked there in the 70s).

Do they mean? In 1975 When a cup of coffee cost 2p, when a wimpy burger cost 17p.

Do they mean? in 1970 when we used to buy a bottle of lemonade for 5p (1 shilling) and guess what?
Yes, in the 70s, we used to take the bottle back and get 3 pence back, yes, we would recycle all our lemonade bottles.

Do they mean? In the 70s when it was possible to have a council house, until the 80s when Thatcher sold them all, and now nearly all owned by property developers charging extortionate rents.

Do they mean? in the 70s, when we would have milk bottles, sometimes delivered, and we would put the empty milk bottle on our doorstep, and it was sterilized and used again.

Do they mean? In the 70s when kids got a FREE glass of milk or orange, before THATCHER the milk snatcher come along and stole it.

Do they mean? in the 70s when food banks were not even thought of because they were not needed.

Maybe Lord Sugar and his shit heeled followers thought the 70s was shit because the Tories give us Jimmy Saville, and Lord Janner, and god knows what other fuck heads.

What do we have now LORD F’ING SUGAR? every utility privatized, bank charges the poor pay, our leaders taking more in tax free expenses than most of us can earn in 3 years, privatised company CO’s taking 6 figure bonuses on the backs of everyone else’s misery.

Not to mention the 70s gave us ABBA, stay press, and flairs lol.

In the year 2019, We have food bank usage and poverty never seen since the 1700s, as reported on SKY NEWS, pollution from plastic we never used to use because it makes a limited few billions. Billions of tons of plastic swirling around the oceans murdering our sea life and stopping the sea from thriving.

Here is a is a list of what has been growing since 2010,

Suicides UP, homelessness UP, child poverty UP, unpaid overtime UP, number of working poor UP, NHS waiting times UP, low pay UP, car clamping UP, parking fines UP, misery UP, hate UP, crime UP
number of zero-hour contracts UP. government borrowing UP, corporate tax avoidance UP, national debt UP, executive pay UP, MPs’ pay UP, food bank usage UP, hospital closures UP, job insecurity UP, VAT UP, repossessions UP, evictions UP, energy prices UP, rail prices UP, tuition fees UP, bankers bonuses UP, library closures UP, NHS privatisation, intolerance UP, xenophobia UP, hate crimes UP, child poverty UP,
Suicides UP, Misery up, Death rates from this Governments Policies up. Suicide now the most common cause of death for the under 49s, as reported on BBC AND SKY NEWS.
One Million forced to use Food Banks or worse. Tory Murderous POLICIES.
Most of us can never buy a home, all this and still JC is slandered by his own coup plotters MPS.
Gas bills up , Creche Fees up Stamps up , Water Bills after privatisation and water meters installed, Rail Fares up and privatised, Homelessness up, Private Rent up, Food inflation up 21 percent, National debt close to 2 TRILLION from an inherited 800 billion close to 300 percent up after promising to wipe it all out and blaming Labour for the problems.

Who have they have helped?
Themselves, Tax avoiders, arms traders, Right wing media empires, NHS Asset strippers, Elite Paedophiles, American intelligence agencies, Bankers, Their rich friends who bought them the election, 104 Billionaires …..



In fact, it seems the only thing this Government hasn’t succeeded in growing in any convincing way since it took over is the ECOMOMY ITSELF…

Hold that thought one more time £2 TRILLION IN DEBT AND THE TORIES TELL US austerity is not just fair, but we are all in this together.

Yes, I would love to be taken back to the 70s because I lived in the 70s and I can tell you all that as a country we were a lot happier then we will ever be under what we have now.”

Kevin Hoad

H/T to @UnityNewsUK and Kevin Hoad

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