OK, I’ve had enough of these UKIP weirdos. Case in point: Carl Benjamin. (Sargon of Akkad)

There, I said it. I have absolutely had enough. 7 bloody years of exposing these frauds and charlatans and then up pops Carl Benjamin AKA 'Sargon of Akkad'. If you thought 'Tommy Robinson', Count Dankula' and Paul Joseph Watson were bad, wait till you check out Carl. And when I say bad, I mean really, … Continue reading OK, I’ve had enough of these UKIP weirdos. Case in point: Carl Benjamin. (Sargon of Akkad)

Have you heard the one about Tommy Robinson buying a bus? (Updated)

I can drive a bus! (Updated)Turns out this Barry Armstrong chap is not the same Barry Armstrong as people first thought. There's two Barry Armstrongs it would seem. Both seem dodgy! So, yes... Tommy Robinson is buying a bus he tells all his adoring, gullible fans. Thanks to @fooly_cooly for the research! https://twitter.com/fooly_cooly/status/1120308091801755648 https://twitter.com/fooly_cooly/status/1120311589763190784 https://twitter.com/fooly_cooly/status/1120319444180455426Continue reading Have you heard the one about Tommy Robinson buying a bus? (Updated)

Has Data Mining Swung The Brexit Vote?

There's been a lot in the news recently about a company called Cambridge Analytica and its activities around the time of the EU referendum and the US presidential election. It's been suggested that data was mined in a particular way for “psychotropic campaigning” and that central people involved in Cambridge Analytica and the Trump administration/Leave_EU campaign may … Continue reading Has Data Mining Swung The Brexit Vote?


The UKIP leader has made a steady rise through the ranks in the years since he first joined the party many years ago. Early on he became one of the first ‘graduates’ of UKIP’s Young Independence youth movement and was part of the embryonic UKIP presence in Brussels – becoming a junior, then senior party … Continue reading PAUL NUTTALL AND THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE: MICHAEL McMANUS – ‘FAR-RIGHT RECRUITER’


With much more important current affairs, UKIP's latest "foreign jolly" on the European taxpayer has gone under the radar. 'Pan-European party', the Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe (ADDE), which UKIP set up, has just co-hosted its annual get-together in Israel, the three day 'Jerusalem Leaders Summit'. True to form, UKIP and their extreme-right allies are … Continue reading “NEO-NAZI TENDENCIES” OF #UKIP’s SWEDISH MINION CAUSE A STIR AT #TRUMP-ISRAELI BRIEFING

Do Not Be Fooled By #UKIP

Do not be fooled by UKIP. Remember their old manifesto which Farage had to eventually dismiss as 'drivel' just because they got caught out? Imagine if no one had ever questioned it! And all those things PPCs/councillors actually said, when they claimed they were hacked, or it was a 'smear'. Imagine if no-one ever exposed … Continue reading Do Not Be Fooled By #UKIP

Is this how UKIP PPCs behave?

Caroline Santos and Sharon McGonigal are UKIP PPCs standing in Argyll & Bute and North Ayshire & Arran respectively.  They aim to become MPs. LiberalIsland is a blogger who does not aim to become an MP. Remember that for later folks, it's important. Even before Santos was named as a PPC, she and LiberalIsland often … Continue reading Is this how UKIP PPCs behave?

How dense are UKIP Bristol?

First things first: I know what you're thinking.  Why pick on UKIP Bristol again?  Well dear reader, we have tried to let them breathe since the last time, but boy have they made it difficult for us. So let us begin.  Many of you may have heard of Joshua Bonehill, the convicted internet felon with … Continue reading How dense are UKIP Bristol?

“With a bit of luck, they might get raped.” – UKIP supporter

Nigel Farage's official Facebook page updated its status today.  Among the comments underneath was this piece of vitriol, aimed by someone who supports UKIP, at a commenter who doesn't. So how did fellow Ukippers respond? 1.  THE ADMINS HAVE NOT REMOVED IT. Whoever runs Nigel Farage's official page has not removed the comment.  (And yes, … Continue reading “With a bit of luck, they might get raped.” – UKIP supporter

UKIP excuse #6743: “A retweet is not an endorsement”.

What's your favourite UKIP excuse? Is it Nigel Farage blaming his comments about Romanians on being 'tired'?  Kerry Smith's medication?  London voters being too 'media-savvy and educated' to vote UKIP? The great British public have been using the #UKIPExcuses hashtag on Twitter to parody the party's famous apologies, defences and justifications. Today we will focus … Continue reading UKIP excuse #6743: “A retweet is not an endorsement”.